Human Anatomy II (FY271) -Reserved

Sharifa Thompson
Joel Franklyn
Last Update January 21, 2024

About This Course

Victoria University of Barbados
Faculty of Medicine
Department Of Basic Science

Course Title: Human Anatomy II
Course Code: FY271
Course Credits: 7
Course Coordinator: –


The course in human gross anatomy consists of scheduled class hours devoted to the development and understanding of a three-dimensional visual image of the human body. To this end, each student, as a member of a team, participates in the complete dissection of the body. Formal lectures present general, applied, radiological, and clinical aspects of anatomy, as well as an overview of each region to be dissected. A Course Companion, consisting of specific learning objectives and notes for each lecture/lab session, is provided to facilitate and coordinate the reading of required/recommended textbooks, anatomical atlases, and a dissection guide with lectures and dissection of the human cadaver. A majority of lectures and audiovisual aids are available through the University website.



The following objectives will be accomplished preceding the scheduled start of the course are the ability to:
1. Distinguish between regional and systemic approaches to learning anatomy.
2. Describe the fundamental descriptive characteristics of the cardiovascular, respiratory, integumentary, musculoskeletal, and nervous systems.
3. Define the term “clinical anatomy” and give an example.
4. Describe the anatomical position.
5. List the anatomical planes.
6. List the terms used to describe positional relationships in the body.
7. Define terms of laterality and movement for the head and neck, thorax, limbs, and spine.
8. Describe the difference(s) between anatomical variation and pathology
9. Define the terms dissection, prosection, visualization, and imaging.
10. Define the fundamental differences between radiography, computerized tomography, magnetic resonance, and ultrasonography as imaging techniques
11. Discuss how two-dimensional representations of an anatomical region can be interpreted by a cross-section of the same region
12. Describe how muscles act across joints, and what is meant by origin and insertion.
13. Define a nerve plexus.
14. Define the terms innervation and anastomosis.
15. Describe the major body cavities.
16. List the names of the various movements available to the body and their meaning


41 Lessons56h

Week 1-2: Human Anatomy of Thorax: Wall, Cavity and Breast Region

Human Anatomy of Breasts00:00
Introduction to the Thorax00:00
Osteology and Myology of Thorax5:23
Dissection of Anterior Thoracic Wall4:05
Joints of Thorax00:00
Vasculature and Innervation of the Thorax5:05

Week 2-3: Human Anatomy of Thoracic Viscera and Mediastinum

Week 4-6: Human Anatomy of Abdominal Wall and Viscera

Week 6-7: Human Anatomy of Accessory Organs in Abdomen

Week 7: Abdominal Cavity Videos

Week 8-9: Human Anatomy of Pelvis

Week 9-10: Human Anatomy of Neck Region

Week 11-12: Human Anatomy of Head Region

Your Instructors

Sharifa Thompson

7 Courses
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45 Students
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Joel Franklyn

44 Courses
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185 Students
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Duration 56 hours
41 lectures

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