Introduction to Neuroscience (PM370)

Stephen Ogbedeagu
Joel Franklyn
Last Update December 7, 2023

About This Course

This course begins with the study of nerve cells: their structure, the propagation of nerve impulses and transfer of information between nerve cells, the effect of drugs on this process, and the development of nerve cells into the brain and spinal cord. We then move to the sensory systems such as olfaction, hearing, and vision and discuss how physical energy such as light is converted into neural signals, where these signals travel in the brain, and how they are processed. Next we study the control of voluntary movement. Finally, we cover the neurochemical bases of brain diseases and those systems which control motivation, emotion, learning and memory.

Course Objectives

  1. To provide a systematic introduction to the mammalian nervous system, emphasizing the structural and functional organization of the human brain.
  2. To expose students to the field of neuroscience.


16 Lessons


Draft Lesson00:00

Week 1-2: Neuroanatomy

Introducing the Human Brain

Week 3-4: Neural Signaling

Electrical Excitability and Signal Propagation

Week 5-6: Sensory Systems

General Principles and Somatic Sensation Audition, Vestibular Sensation and the Chemical Senses

Week 7-9: Movement and Motor Control

Understanding the Paradigm of Eye Movements Lower and Up-per Motor Neurons Modulation of Movement

Week 10: Reflexes

Week 12: Complex Brain Functions

Associational Cortex

Week 13: Brain Functions

Sleep, Emotion and Addiction

Week 14: The Changing Brain

The Brain Across the Lifespan

Week 14: Revision

Your Instructors

Stephen Ogbedeagu

6 Courses
0 Reviews
108 Students
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Joel Franklyn

44 Courses
0 Reviews
185 Students
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16 lectures

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