Medical Biochemistry (FY120)

Alicia Rouse
Joel Franklyn
Dr Nwalie
Last Update January 10, 2025

About This Course

Victoria University of Barbados
Faculty of Medicine
Department Of Basic Science

Course Title: Medical Biochemistry
Course Code: FY120
Course Credits: 5
Course Coordinator: –


The course is structured to present and explore the basic principles of biochemistry necessary for the practice of medicine and for the understanding of other pre-clinical disciplines. The mechanisms of biochemical reactions involved in energy production, biosynthesis, and degradation are covered, with attention being given to their role in disease. The biochemical functions of the major organs of the body are studied together with an overview of the metabolic interplay between organs. The mechanisms by which major pathways are regulated are examined in depth.
In the first half of the course, students are introduced to the principles of acids and bases, followed by the structure and function of proteins, particularly enzymes. The course continues with an introduction to energy production in the cell and carbohydrate biochemistry. In the second half of the course, lipid and amino acid biochemistry are taught, together with molecular biology (including structure, function, biosynthesis of RNA and DNA, protein biosynthesis, and modern gene cloning methods).
The course provides a solid biochemical foundation that students can build throughout their preclinical studies, and can use later when they are qualified physicians.

Provide students with an advanced integrated knowledge and understanding of core topics, with general principles set in particular contexts:

  • Chemistry of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, etc
  • Structural and Chemical Biology, including nucleic acid structure and interactions, signaling proteins and membrane proteins, enzyme kinetics and drug discovery and protein design
  • Metabolism of substances and regulation in the human body

Material Includes

  • 1. Mark's Basic Medical Biochemistry: A clinical approach 5th Edition
  • 2. Lippincott Illustrated reviews: Biochemistry
  • 3. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 8th Edition


2 Lessons70h

Week 1: Levels of Organization

Classification and biochemical importance, chemistry, and functions of atoms, molecules, cell organelles and cellular function
Lecture – Atoms and Molecular Bonds

Week 2: Chemistry Of Lipids


Week 3: Chemistry of Proteins

Week 4: Enzymes

Week 5: Biological Oxidation

Week 6: Hemoglobin/Vitamins/Nutrition

Week 8: Carbohydrate Metabolism

Week 9: Metabolism

Week 10: Purines

Week 11: Hormones

Week 12: Nucleic Acid

Week 13: Organ Function Tests/ Heme Metabolism

Your Instructors

Alicia Rouse

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153 Students
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Joel Franklyn

44 Courses
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Dr Nwalie

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0 Students
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Duration 70 hours
2 lectures

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