Microbiology and Immunology (FY154)

Sarrah Durrant
Joel Franklyn
Last Update January 25, 2024

About This Course

Victoria University of Barbados
Faculty of Medicine
Department Of Basic Science

Course Title: Microbiology and Immunology
Course Code: FY154
Course Credits: 4
Course Coordinator: –


The goal of teaching Microbiology is to provide understanding of the natural history infection diseases in order to deal with the etiology, pathogenesis, pathogenecity, Laboratory diagnosis treatment, control and prevention of these infection and infectious diseases.

The student at the end of one and half years should be able to :
State the etiology, pathogenesis and methods of laboratory diagnosis and apply that knowledge in the diagnosis, treatment prevention and control of communicable diseases caused by microorganisms understand commensal opportunistic and pathogenic organisms of human body and describe host parasite relationship.
Know and describe the pathogenesis of diseases caused by micro-organisms state sources and modes of transmission of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms including knowledge of insect vectors and their role in transmission of infections diseases.
Choose appropriate laboratory investigations required for clinical diagnosis

Plan and interpret laboratory investigations for diagnosis of infectious diseases and correlate the clinical manifestations with the ethological agent.
Identify common infectious agents with the help of laboratory procedure acquire knowledge of antimicrobial agents use of antimicrobial sensitivity tests to select suitable antimicrobial agents for treatment.
Perform simple laboratory tests, which help to arrive at rapid diagnosis.
Be conversant with proper methods of collection, storage and transport of clinical material for microbiological investigations.
Understand the principle of immunology and its application in the diagnosis and prevention of infectious diseases including immunization schedule, acquire knowledge of scope of immunotherapy and different vaccines available for the prevention of communicable diseases.
Understand methods of disinfections and sterilization and their application to control and prevent hospital and community acquired infections including universal biosafety precautions and waste disposal.
Recommended laboratory investigations regarding Bacteriological examination of food, water, milk and air.
The student should be well equipped with the knowledge of prevalent communicable diseases of national importance and of the newer emerging pathogens

The student will be regular, sincere, punctual and courteous and regular in studies.
The student will follow all the rules laid down by the University and participate in activities.
The student will understand the importance of and practice asepsis waste segregation and appropriate disposal.
The student will understand the importance of and practice the best methods to prevent the development of infection self and patient (e.g. hand washing, using aprons for hospital in hospitals only, regularly washing in aprons, wearing, gloves as and when required/handling specimens etc.)
The student will understand the use of the different antimicrobial agents include antibiotics to use judiciously and prevent misuse, (prescribing attitude).
The student will understand the significance of vaccinations and will receive appropriate vaccines (e.g. TT. Hepatitis B and any other as per needs).
The student will wash his/her hands with a soap after each practical class.
The student will leave the area allotted for his practical neat and tidy.
The students will discard the slides in the appropriate container provided for the same.
The student will report any injury sustained in class, immediately.
The student will report breakage occurring during class time immediately.
The student may give suggestions to improve teacher student association.


3 Lessons56h

Introduction To Microbiology


Introduction To Bacteriology

Bacteriology: Gram Positive Bacteria

Your Instructors

Sarrah Durrant

4 Courses
0 Reviews
172 Students
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Joel Franklyn

44 Courses
0 Reviews
185 Students
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Duration 56 hours
3 lectures

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