Public Health Epidemiology and Statistic (E490)

Crystal Henry
Joel Franklyn
Last Update May 5, 2024

About This Course

The course has been designed to provide the student with a broad understanding of the concepts and principles of epidemiology and biostatistics with emphasis on its role in health, medicine, and research. They will also be taught and involved in the data collection, tabulation, and summarization and presentation of data and reporting. Also, special lectures on solving problems will be provided throughout the course in four sessions on practical applications of the epidemiology and biostatistics course content.

Material Includes

  • Epidemiology and Management for health care for all P.V. Sathe and A.P. Sathe
  • Essentials of Preventive Medicine O.P. Ghai and Piyush Gupta


52 Lessons70h

Week 1-2: Public Health

Fertility and factors affecting it.00:00
Family welfare and Population control00:00
Medical ethics and Doctor – patient relationship – Consumer Protection Act.00:00
Sociology and Social factors effecting health.00:00
Social Psychology – introduction, Group Behaviour, Motivation Personality.00:00
Economics and health.00:00
Health Education and Communication.00:00
Hospital Management00:00
Nutrition and Health.00:00

Week 3: Epidemiology

Week 4-5: General Epidemiology

Week 6: Revision and Midterm

Week 7-8: Biostatistics (Theory and Practical)

Week 9 – 10: Tests of Significance

Week 11-13: Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases

Review & Final Exams

Your Instructors

Crystal Henry

8 Courses
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319 Students
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Joel Franklyn

44 Courses
0 Reviews
185 Students
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Duration 70 hours
52 lectures

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